Secondhand Japanese Kimono Store. Used Kimono, Yukata, Obis, Haoris and more other items for sale. From Japan to all over the world, worldwide shopping site! Authentic Used / Vintage Kimono Store, Local shop is in Osaka.


1-9-13 Uemachi Chuo-ku Osaka city
Osaka, Japan 5400005
Phone: 06-7493-9415
*5minutes walk from 【Tanimachi 6chome sta.(Exit6 or 7)】

Business hours
Open: Tue - Sat / 11:00am - 16:00pm
Close: Sun, Mon and National Holiday

If you are planning to use taxi, please show the driver below address.
(There are some stores that have similer name.)
楓庵 by Kimonoya Japan

You can walk to our shop from Osaka castle park!

How to Access from Osaka castle park