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Search results for "(grade D)"
K0820D Used Japanese Off White KOMON dyed / Silk. Flower, pine needle pattern (Grade C) [K0820D]
KOMON dyed pattern kimonos are casual kimonos.For daily use.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve 48.8-50.5 inches …
Mint M0208D Used Japanese men Blue Men's Yukata / Synthetic. Abstract pattern (Grade A) [M0208D]
Yukata for men.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve over 53.0 inches > Dress Length 57-59 inchesTOP > Dress Length…
M0628D Used Japanese women Beige HAORI short jacket / Silk. MOMIJI maple leaf (Grade C) [M0628D]
HAORI short jacket on a kimono.Nice item to wear both inside and outside of the building.TOP > Sleev…
Mint L1214D Used Japanese women Indigo Blue HITOE unlined / Cotton/hemp Stripes "Awashijira-woven" (Grade A) [L1214D]
HITOE unlined kimonos are great in summer.Also in late spring, or in early autumn.TOP > Sleeve to Sl…
M0516D Used Japanese men Dark Brown Men's Juban / Silk. Bamboo leaf, pitcher pattern (Grade C) [M0516D]
Juban for Men.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve 50.5-53 inches > Dress Length under 55.0 inchesTOP > Dress Leng…
Mint M0901D Vintage Japanese Kimono Gray HANHABA OBI half width sash Stripes Wool. (Grade B) [M0901D]
HANHABA OBI half width sash.Easy to tie.Mint M0901D Vintage Japanese Kimono Gray HANHABA OBI half …
K1118D Used Japanese Heather Red KOMON dyed / Silk. Tortoise-shell pattern― Hexagonal pattern, (Grade C) [K1118D]
KOMON dyed pattern kimonos are casual kimonos.For daily use.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve 50.5-53 inches > …
M0620D Used Japanese men Grayish Light Blue Men's Yukata / Linen. Abstract pattern (Grade C) [M0620D]
Yukata for men.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve 47-48.8 inches > Dress Length 57-59 inchesTOP > Dress Length 5…
H1025D Used Japanese Kimono Light Yellow FURISODE long-sleeved / Silk. UME plum bloom (Grade C) [H1025D]
Beautiful FURISODE, long-sleeved formal kimono.For any kinds of happy party or celebration.TOP > Sle…
Mint L0825D Used Japanese men Dark Brown Men's Haori / Silk. Geometrical pattern (Grade A) [L0825D]
Haori for Men.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve over 53.0 inches > Dress Length under 55.0 inchesTOP > Dress Le…
Mint L1201D Used Japanese women Vermilion KOMON dyed / Silk. UME plum bloom, Swallow pattern (Grade A) [L1201D]
KOMON dyed pattern kimonos are casual kimonos.For daily use.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve 48.8-50.5 inches …
M1216D Vintage Japanese women Black TOMESODE formal / Silk. KUMIHIMO rope with tassels Straw design (Grade B) [M1216D]
Beautiful TOMESODE - Tradtional Japanese Black/Colored Formal Wear.For happy occasions. Nice with Fu…
M0330D Used Japanese womenPale Grayish Light Blue TSUKESAGE formal / Silk. Flower, fringed pink pattern (Grade B) [M0330D]
Beautiful HOUMONGI/TSUKESAGE, Tradtional Formal Kimono.Also great for an interior decor such as a be…
M1128D Vintage Japanese Grayish Green Men's Juban / Silk. Flower, There is an impression from use. (Grade C) [M1128D]
Juban for Men.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve 50.5-53 inches > Dress Length under 55.0 inchesTOP > Dress Leng…
Mint L1019D Used Japanese women Dark Navy Blue TSUMUGI pongee / Silk. Tortoise-shell pattern(Hexagonal pattern), (Grade B) [L1019D]
Beautiful Authentic TSUMUGI Silk Pongee.Japanese traditional craftsmanship.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve 48…
M1004D Vintage Japanese women White JUBAN undergarment / Silk. There is an impression from use. Based woven pattern: Pine tree/branch/needle, Stream (Grade C) [M1004D]
JUBAN undergarment for women.Chenge HAN ERI half collar as you like.TOP > Sleeve to Sleeve 50.5-53 i…
L0414M Vintage Japanese Kimono Light Gray HANHABA OBI half width sash Stripes Silk. [L0414M]
HANHABA OBI half width sash.Easy to tie.L0414M Vintage Japanese Kimono Light Gray HANHABA OBI half …
L0427H Vintage Japanese Kimono Shiny Silver NAGOYA OBI sash Gradation Silk. [L0427H]
NAGOYA OBI sash is easy to tie.For KOMON dyed, ORI woven pattern kimonos - daily use.L0427H Vintage …
L0414J Vintage Japanese Kimono Grayish Brownish Golden Yellow HANHABA OBI half width sash Stripes Silk. [L0414J]
HANHABA OBI half width sash.Easy to tie.L0414J Vintage Japanese Kimono Grayish Brownish Golden Yello…
L0518A Vintage Japanese Kimono Grayish Ivory NAGOYA OBI sash KIRI paulownia Silk. [L0518A]
NAGOYA OBI sash is easy to tie.For KOMON dyed, ORI woven pattern kimonos - daily use.L0518A Vintage …
L0217B Vintage Japanese Kimono Creamy Green FUKURO OBI sash Tortoise-shell pattern― Hexagonal pattern Silk. [L0217B]
FURUKO OBI sash for HOUMONGI, TOMESODE, IROMUJI, EDO KOMON…For any kind of formal style.L0217B Vinta…
L0218B Vintage Japanese Kimono Pale Light Pale Blue FUKURO OBI sash Tortoise-shell pattern― Hexagonal pattern Silk. [L0218B]
FURUKO OBI sash for HOUMONGI, TOMESODE, IROMUJI, EDO KOMON…For any kind of formal style.L0218B Vinta…