Secondhand Japanese Kimono Store. Used Kimono, Yukata, Obis, Haoris and more other items for sale. From Japan to all over the world, worldwide shopping site! Authentic Used / Vintage Kimono Store, Local shop is in Osaka.
Items by Grade
Items by Dress length
Items by Sleeve to Sleeve length
M0517B Used Japanese menPale Grayish Green Men's Juban / Synthetic. Pine tree/branch/needle, (Grade D) [M0517B]
M0516A Used Japanese men Gray Men's Juban / Silk. TSUDUMI hand drum, picture scroll pattern (Grade C) [M0516A]
M1003A Vintage Japanese women Pale Coral JUBAN undergarment / Silk. Gradation Lining is attached on sleeves. Based woven pattern: Bells, Japanese traditional handball (Grade B) [M1003A]
M1004D Vintage Japanese women White JUBAN undergarment / Silk. There is an impression from use. Based woven pattern: Pine tree/branch/needle, Stream (Grade C) [M1004D]